Sample KUCCPS inter institution transfer letter with reasons

This document contains sample kuccps inter institution transfer letters. The letters are in Word Document format. Therefore, you need to download, go through the reasons provided, select whichever fits your reason, edit your university and course name.
What to do after downloading
- The document contains three combined sample kuccps transfer letters.
- Make sure that you have added your name, course name, and University in the spaces provided
- After making the necessary changes, copy and paste the content that is in the colored rectangular boxes only to kuccps transfer reasons form.
- Make sure that you have attached the documents that support your reason for transfer as explained below the letter.
NOTE 1: The content in the transfer reasons form should be between 300 characters and 600 characters. Make sure that you have reduced them if they are more than 600.
NOTE 2: The sample transfer letters have just been provided to give you an overview of how to structure your reason for transfer. It is not a mandatory requirement by KUCCPS to use the attached letter.
Document Details
- Format: Word Document
- Size: 23kb
- Downloading: To get the document, you need click Buy Now button and pay ksh. 99 through mpesa paybill details provided and then place order. The document will be automatically be available for download.
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