How to buy Product and download
After you have created your account your account through the registration page, the next step is to buy your product
How to Buy Product
To buy product:

- Go to the product you want to buy
- Click Buy Now button
- Your will be redirected to the checkout page, where you will be required to pay
How to Pay
After clicking the buy now button, the next option is to pay.

- If you have an account at, then click the link indicated “click here to login“
- Enter your login username
- Enter password
- Click sign in
- If you do not have an account: just enter your first name, last name, mpesa payment phone number and email address
Paying process
To pay select your payment method
- For Mpesa, go to Lipa na Mpesa
- Enter the paybill number displayed
- Enter account number displayed
- Wait until you have received the mpesa payment message
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, then click verify payment or Place order button at the bottom of the page
- Wait for a few second for the button rotating button to complete
- You will be redirect to your account where you will see a download link
For Paypal payment, you need to have a PayPal account and you will pay in dollars.
How to download purchased product
If you have completed the paying steps above and you have not encountered any error, then it means your payment went through successfully and now it is time to download your product.
To download your purchased product

- Either click the “Click Here to Download” or Go to my downloads in your account.
- Then click on the link to download product
If you are seeing “No orders made yet,” then it means you did not complete the checkout process. Go to and proceed to checkout if there are any products in the cart, and repeat the paying process above without paying again.