KCSE Chemistry Practical Notes for Teachers and Candidates

Download High quality Chemistry Practical Notes for teachers who want to start preparing their students for KCSE exams.
Chemistry Practical Notes Introduction
Scientific subjects are, by their nature, experimental. It is accordingly important that an assessment of a student’s knowledge and understanding of Chemistry should contain a component relating to practical work and experimental skills. This booklet has been produced to help students preparing for and taking practical Examinations.
The material contained in this booklet does not extend the curriculum specification content. Rather it seeks to help the candidate succeed in practical examination by explaining in more depth what is required of him or her in carrying out the exercises, making observations and measurements with appropriate precision and recording these methodically.
This booklet advices candidate on how he or she should interpret, explain, evaluate and communicate the results of the exercises clearly and logically using relevant chemical knowledge and understanding and using appropriate specialist vocabulary.
Chemistry Practical Notes Order Details
Format: pdf
Number of pages: 56
Size: 648 kb
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