Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 3 CBC Schemes of Work (Term Three)

Download pdf of Hygiene and Nutrition grade 3 (three) CBC schemes of work for Term Three, 2018 and start preparing your classes for the last term of the year.
Hygiene and Nutrition Grade three CBC schemes details
Hygiene and Nutrition Grade two CBC schemes for third term comes in pdf format and is not free. You be will required to use the instructions provided below to access the pdf document.
CBC stands for Competence Based Curriculum. It is the new curriculum that was introduced by the Kenyan Ministry of education to replace the old 8-4-4 system of education. This curriculum comes with its new text books that teachers should use.
You will find a detailed explanation on how the Competence Based Curriculum works at kenyayote.co.ke or Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).
Procedure of downloading Term Three Grade 3 Hygiene and Nutrition CBC scheme
To download the CBC scheme, you need to Pay. To pay;
- Click BUY NOW button
- Pay using Mpesa Paybill
- Do not close the page after paying
- Click Place Order and Confirm Payment
- Pdf of the CBC scheme will be sent to your email automatically
- Download and Use
You can also download the Hygiene and Nutrition schemes from your account if you created one before Buying.
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