PP2 Language CBC schemes of work, Term Three (KICD Curriculum)

Download pdf of PP2 Language CBC schemes, Term 3 (Third Term) recommended for the new curriculum by KICD and start preparing your lesson plans.
Terms of Language Third Term CBC schemes of work
- PP1: Pre-primary one
- KICD: Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
- CBC: Competence Based Curriculum
- Term 3: Last division of the academic year in Primary school
Pdf details of PP2 Language Term 3 CBC schemes
The pp2 Language term 3 cbc scheme comes in pdf format. After downloading kindly print for your use. You can edit it to suit your needs.
How to buy PP2 Language Term 3 CBC schemes
- Click the BUY NOW button
- Enter your name, email and phone number
- Pay via Mpesa Paybill provided on the checkout page
- Then click Confirm Payment button and place order
- You will receive the order in your email
- Download pdf of the CBC scheme and print
- Your are done!
Kindly do not close the last checkout page before completing your order after payment. All your term three cbc scheme of work for Language will be sent to your email automatically after placing order.
If you want to learn more about the new curriculum design introduced by the ministry of education through KICD kindly visit kenyayote.co.ke.
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