3 Bedroom House Plan for a Budget

3 bedroom simple house plan
House Plan Notes General
All dimensions are shown in metric metres (m) unless otherwise specified.
Drawings are not to be scaled. Only figured dimensions to be used.
The contractor must check and verify all dimensions on site before commencement of any work.
Construction Civil Structural
All black cotton soils to be removed from below all buildings and paved surfaces. Buildings to be clear of black cotton soil to a distance 3m outside the the perimeter
All paved surfaces to be clear of black cotton soil to a distance of 500mm outside the edge the surface.
All walls less than 200mm thick to be reinforced with hoop irons at every alternate course.
For all R.C work.refer to Structural Engineer’ detail.
Depth of the foundation to be determined on site to S.E’s approval.
All adjacent rc work and masonry walls to be tied with strap irons at every course.
All plumbing and drainage to comply with city council specifications
All service ducts to accessible from all floors
SVP denotes soil vent pipe to be provided at the head of the drainage
Drains passing beneath buildings and driveways to be encased in
150mm concrete concrete surround.
All underground foul and waste drain pipes shall be upvc to comply with BSS5255
All inspection chambers covers and framing shall be cast iron to comply with BS497 TABLE 2 GRADE A.
The storm water pipe to comply with BS 556.
Minimum slope in the drain to be 1%.
No chases will be allowed in the slabs for the pipes .Sleeves will be allowed with written approval of thr SE.
No cutting of concrete without the express approval of the Architect or S.E.
All testing of pipes must be completed before plastering.
All mechanical work must be coordinated with electrical and any conflicts must be clarified before work begins.
PV denotes permanent ventilations.
All conduits must be laid before plastering
All slabs at ground level to be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone dust,on hardcore.
All soil under slabs and all around external foundations to be poisoned for termite control.
All soils on cut embankments to be stabilized.
The slope not to exceed the natural angle of refuse
It’s a great design. How much would it cost to build