KCSE 2018 Past Papers with Answers from KNEC (Download Online)
You can now download KCSE 2018 Past Papers with Answers that were used by KNEC examiners to mark the 2018 KCSE Examinations. The procedure for downloading is highlighted below.
Are the KCSE 2018 Past Papers from KNEC?
Yes, this are the same papers that were used during KCSE 2018 Examination.
Where will I get the Past Papers answers from?
Each past paper you purchase comes with answers unless it is stated in the description that the past paper does not have answers.
How do I download KCSE 2018 Revision Past papers?
Go to: Revision Papers Page/KCSE
To download the past papers, select the subject you want for example Mathematics. Click the Buy NOW button to pay. You can either pay via mpesa paybill or Paypal.
After you have paid, do not close the page, click the red button at the Checkout page (the button is labeled as Verify Payment and Place Order).
After Verifying your payment you will be directed to a download page to download the past paper. An email will sent to the email you provided containing details of your purchase and a download link
Which KCSE 2018 Past Paper Subjects are available?
All KNEC subjects from Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Business Studies, Physics, Chemistry, to Geography are available online. If there is any missing paper, kindly let us know and we will update accordingly.